
We understand how important a decision it is when selecting the right school. To make it easier for you, we have provided some useful information to help you in your decision about schooling at Vaatia College.

Contact us by visiting the College office or using our email to indicate your interest in our school.
Visit our school for a tour session at a scheduled time.
Fill the form online and submit.
The dates for the entrance examination will be announced

General Information

We appreciate your time taken to consider Vaatia College for your child. Getting the right school for your child is a key decision for parents/guardians.

Vaatia College routinely admits students into JSS 1 every year. We take a maximum of 60 students per set. Non routine admissions may occur when a current student leaves the school and creates a vacancy. Only vacancies in JSS 1, JSS 2 and SSS 1 will be considered.

Admission is based on merit. No pupil will be disadvantaged by the school by virtue of gender, race, religion or socio-economic status

Admissions Policy

The purpose of the Admissions Policy is to ensure that the admissions process is consistent and fair to all applicants. No student shall be denied admission on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, or gender.

The policy is regularly monitored and reviewed and may be subject to change. The Principal of the College has overall responsibility for admissions and the operation of this policy.

The College selects for entry those children who have the potential to benefit from the education the College offers, and who meet the “Criteria for entry”, outlined below.

Criteria for entry

Admission into Vaatia College is based on academic merit which is evaluated through an entry examination and may be granted when the following criteria are met:

  1. The applicant achieves a result in the entrance assessment which, in the professional judgment of the College, indicates that they possess aptitude and ability that are consistent with the academic requirements of the College.
  2. Vaatia College admits students from the age of 11 years into the JSS I Classes.
  3. References from the candidate’s previous school are provided.
  4. The College is fully able to meet the educational and other relevant needs of the applicant.
  5. The cost of College fees and other expenses can be met on the applicant’s behalf.
  6. There is an available place for the applicant.

Applicants who satisfy the conditions outlined above will be offered a place through a Letter of Admission. However, there are some circumstances in which a place may not be immediately available:

(i) where the number of successful applicants exceeds the number of places available; and

(ii) where an application is made late in the academic year, and all available places have been allocated.


Admissions Procedure

    1. Application forms are available to be filled online using the admission link An application fee of N10,000 is required.
    2. Complete the Application form online together with soft copies of passport photograph and birth certificate.
    3. Please ensure that your child is of the correct age (10, 11 and 13 years for JSS1, JSS2 and SSS1 respectively by September of the year admission is sought). The College has a strict policy in this area.
    4. Time for the entrance examinations will be as assigned.
    5. Examination Centres are
      • Vaatia College, Off Sen. George Akume Way Makurdi.
      • Care and Cuddles School.  Plot 1507, Jahi District, FCT Abuja
    6. Parents are expected to leave the College premises after dropping candidates and will only be allowed into the College premises after the examinations to pick their wards.
    7. Refreshments will be provided for all candidates. Parents are not allowed to bring snacks or any food items into the College premises.
    8. Admission into the JSS I classes is dependent on the examination scores.

    Entrance Examinations

    The Entrance Examination into JSS 1 is a Computer Based Test (CBT) and the candidates will be tested in Mathematics, English Language and General Knowledge.

    • The computers will be provided by the testing centers.
    • A minimum score of 180 out of 300 is required to pass the examination.
    • Candidates will view their CBT scores immediately after submission.
    • An oral interview will also be conducted after the CBT.

    The candidates are expected to:

    • be able to sign in to an email account.
    • have basic computer mouse scrolling and clicking skills.
    • come along with a pencil, sharpener, eraser, biro and ruler.
    • present evidence of payment for application forms on or before the examination date.

    The list of successful candidates will be released at the College Office and posted on the College website 48 hours after the date of the examination.

    Successful candidates will also be contacted.

    Supplementary Examinations may be written as the need arises at dates to be announced by the College.

    Acceptance of a place

  1. A place is deemed to have been accepted only when the Admissions Office receives a signed acceptance letter by the Parent / Guardian of the ward. Verbal confirmation is not sufficient.
  2. A non-refundable deposit of N150, 000 is required although we prefer that the entire academic term’s fees are paid in advance.
  3. If a place is not accepted within the deadline stated by the College, the College may deem the offer of a place to have been declined and may withdraw the offer without further notification.

Failure to pay the appropriate fees by the stipulated dates will mean that a candidate cannot be guaranteed a place at Vaatia College. All fees paid are non-refundable.

Frequently asked questions

Does the school charge an enrollment fee?

Yes, an enrollment fee of ₦10,000 is paid before you can fill and submit the form.

How is the meal systems?

The students are fed four times a day with healthy foods.

When will the admission process start?

Purchase of the forms usually starts February but to be certain, check our website for updates.

Does the school offer science and art subjects?

Yes, the senior classes have been divided into the arts and sciences.

What is the class size?

The classes are designed to contain a maximum of thirty (30) students.

Does the school have boarding facilities?

Yes, the school has standard and hygienic boarding facilities.

Are there visiting days?

No, but the parents can visit the College for academic tracking and medical follow up.

Are students allowed to keep provision and money?

No, the College does not allow the student to posses money or provision in school.

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